acupuncture injections
Acupuncture Point Injection is the injection at an acupuncture point of a small amount of a drug, vitamin, saline, or plant extract and is a recent innovation of traditional acupuncture and aims to enhance and prolong the effect of stimulation of acupuncture points
Med Gen Med 2004:6(4);45PMCID:PMC1480551
Med Gen Med 2004:6(4);45PMCID:PMC1480551
Acupuncture Injection Therapy, also known as Biopuncture, harnesses the synergistic actions of acupuncture point stimulation and the substance being injected. Acupuncture points are stimulated following the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian system with an injection of small amounts of sterile substances that include botanicals, homeopathics and vitamins. This creates a dual effect of acu-point stimulation and the pharmacological effect of the substance being injected.
Conditions Commonly Treated
nutrient injections
- B12 (hydroxocobalamin) $20/.5 mL containing 1000 mcg
- Fat Burning & Energy Injection (Methionine, Inositol, Carnitine, B1, B2, B6) $25/mL
- Immune Boosting Injection (Vitamin C, Zinc, Glutathione) $30/mL
Injections may be added to scheduled appointments
Drop In injections:
M/W 12-6
T/Th 8-1
F 12-4
Drop In injections:
M/W 12-6
T/Th 8-1
F 12-4